Gaelscolaíocht agus An Luath – Thumoideachas Iomlán

Tá a thuilleadh eolais ar fáil ar: agus ar


Tumoideachais i scoil lán-Ghaeilge déantar gnó na scoile ar fad trí mheán na Gaeilge. Múintear na ranganna trí Ghaeilge, bíonn cumarsáid idir an fhoireann as Gaeilge, déantar gnó an Bhoird Bainistíochta trí Ghaeilge agus spreagtar na páistí chun Gaeilge a labhairt eatarthu féin ó na níonáin bheaga.  Neartaíonn an scoil an pobal labhartha Gaeilge taobh istigh agus taobh amuigh de gheataí na scoile. Tá na scoileanna lán-Ghaeilge oscailte, fáiltiúil agus chuige sin tacaíonn siad le tuismitheoirí páirt a ghlacadh i saol na scoile trí imeachtaí éagsúla, ó ranganna Gaeilge go Coiste na dTuismitheoirí agus a lán eile.

Irish-Medium Education and Complete Early Immersion Education

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Immersion education

Immersion education is the system of education of an Irish-Medium school. Classes are taught through Irish, communication between staff is in Irish, the Board of Management conducts its business in Irish and the children are encouraged to speak amongst themselves in Irish from Junior Infants. The school strengthens the Irish speaking community both inside and outside the school gates. Irish-Medium Schools are extremely open and welcoming and they support parents to participate in school life by organizing a variety of events from Irish classes to Parent Committees and lots more.